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Thursday, June 12, 2008

You are not Japanese.

Thats really all that needs to be said about anime. If you are over the age of 17, and you watch anime, you have a 100% probability of being a pedophile. A short but sweet post by me.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ruzan's MMO Plight

Well, call me officially confused, or frustrated, or completley lost because at the moment, for the first time in a long time, I am not devoted to any mmo's. My mmo history consists of:

Started Anarchy Online in early 2002, was involved with the community and was a member of two very memorable guilds. MI-R2 (all agent guild) and Conquistador Coffee, Inc. Played off and on for a few years.

Star Wars Galaxies: A buddy of mine (nvitrius, [dave]) introduced me to SWG when it came out and I instantly fell in love. All the options and customization, fantastic game, I played that off and on and started my journey into the Village to unlock jedi when the NGE came out.

World of Warcraft: I have played wow off and on for several years, I have leveled 2 characters to 70 and a few to 60, whilst having dozens of alts. As lame as it sounds, player housing or instanced guild halls really keep me from loving wow.

I have dabbled with FFXI (I dont speak korean, didn't get far in that game), COH/COV (good games but lack depth),.

I missed out on EQ and Lineage.

Basically my plight is this, I've played mmo's for years and I now for once find myself in a rut. Nothing is really pulling me in. I reactivated my swg sub over the weekend, logged in and checked on my house, all was still in order, then I attempted to try combat. Man, SOE really fucked that game up :( I wish they would realize if they would release a Pre-CU or even a CU server, their subs would go up like they haven't seen before.

I still have 2 months left on my wow subscription, but I can't bring myself to log in. I just don't want to.

I really, really miss Anarchy Online. That game has the absolute best community of any mmo I have played. I have to be honest in saying that when shadowlands came out, the game changed for me alot. There was something special about 60+ people showing up to kill mercs, or tara. Server-wide raid bots that were point based on who showed up. (Thanks again snow and all the rest who managed Mercbot all those years). Fantastic times man.

AO has always been rough for me, my 'main' is a Solitus Enforcer, Ruzan, I've never really compared to other tanks, and therefore just kind-of float my way through teams and missions hoping the team doesnt kick me for sucking. I might re-activate and see if I can't relive some of those memories.

Tykahndrius (yea mp 4 ever)

Too many friends I'll never see again. Maybe it's time for me to move on.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Internet Slang: The Dumbening of our Culture

Internet slang. Geez. Who made this up? It's like handicapped typing. It's like another language. It's dreadfully annoying to people who can actually type out entire words and phrases without the help of some kind of set code made up by some teenage pseudo-internet guru chewing pink bubblegum. The word "you" is just entirely too long. So how can we shorten it? I just don't get it. How much time does one actually save by doing this? Assuming you type more than six words a minute, not much .

Internet slang is also really hard to read. I once took a typography class, and the instructor was always squinting at peoples' projects and saying "It doesn't read well." That, my friends, sums up this whole internet slang thing. I can read "Does anyone want to chat?" much easier than I can read "NE1 want 2 chat?"...and chances are, I'll ignore someone who chose the latter way to type a sentence, being that I assume the entire "conversation" will be one big guessing game after another. No, it's not that hard to figure it out, but why in hell should you have to RE-read a simple sentence in order to understand what it means? Is this slang thing some exlusive club for people who can't type properly? Is that why we weren't briefed on it?

Now I don't know about you, but when i see "IMHO," I read it as a word (or words). "I'm ho." Just type it out, for god's sake. "In my humble opinion." See! I just did it. It took less than two seconds. We would really sacrifice legibility and language skills to save 1.7 seconds? Apparently so. What about "rotflmfao"...that says "rot-phlegm-fow"...right? That's what i see. And let's talk about "LOL" for a minute. I find it extremely hard to believe that people are actually laughing out loud every single time they type this. I've seen people type "LOL" after every sentence. So was he/she sitting at his computer, typing sentence after sentence and laughing out loud?...and if so, is his family making plans to have him commited? It's really nauseating when people type it after things that aren't in the least bit funny. "I have to go put some laundry in the dryer! LOL!" ...ha ha. You're quite the jokester. I cannot contain my laughter.

...I just don't get it.

As a rule, I've found that people who use these alternate spellings and various forms of internet slang (though there are always exceptions) tend to be people of the less-intelligent variety. Anyone who asks "how r u?" isn't gonna be able to use the word "colloquialism" in a sentence, and they sure as hell don't know they're a walking one. Sue me if I don't like cyber-conversing with people who are idiots.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Do me a favor, will you. Say this word out loud or at least sound it out in your head..


Now, you are either in one of two distinct groups

1. Normal English Speaking Mildly-Intelligent person who pronounces this word


2. Never-played-a-rpg-in-my-life-cannot-annunciate-basic-words-

The voice actor for Tidus in Final FantasyX was interviewed and I happened to get a glimpse of it on Youtube the other day. He, and several others were heard saying "Tee-Dus". WTF
Its kind-of like the people I knew who called
"Super Mario Brothers"
"Super Merry-oh Brothers"

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wow, Its been a minute.....

Been a few since I last posted here. Hmm, started a new shift at work, I work 3am to 11am now, the hours are amazing, I love them.

Um, as usual I am playing the MMO jumping game, cancelled ffxi again, purchased World of Warcraft, played it for a week, at the moment its very "meh" to me, I met someone on a trading forum that wanted to play WoW and was willing to give up his Matrix Online acct, we traded.

Oh yea, I also purchased Eve Online again. Amazing game really. Matrix online.....Wonderful. Reminds me of Anarchy Online before the Shadowlands ruined it. Bars, Clubs, good skill system and a very innovative missioning system. A good game so far. SWG: Got my Master Bounty Hunter/Master Creature Handler to the Aurillian Village, just doing the damn Jedi quests.

Oh yea, almost forgot, I won an Xbox360 from the other day, I was totally stoked about that. I never win shit, so that was something good for a change.

Kids are healthy, Amanda is doing fine (as well as Amanda can do hehe).

Women are a complicated mess that, untill now, I had tried to figure out. Untill I realised that the deeper you go into a woman's head, the farther you get from yourself. Leaving you feeling empty, and wanting more. I often have nighmares about being alone. Its always been wierd to me, the thought of being alone, its the worst feeling ever.

Oh yea, note to future bloggers everywhere, *Dont* re-read your posts, just leave them alone, you CANNOT go back and edit your post 1,000 times, you will ruin it heh.

Ok, and with that, the rambling starts, and I should go.

Till next time!


Monday, October 03, 2005

Gawd this sux.

Broke 2 fingers on my right hand, I feel like a complete gimp. Im typing like 20 wpm or something and it just hurts. I have to go to the doc again today at 2:30. When I get there I am going to ask him to re x-ray my fingers, I am no doc, but I am sure the knuckles are broken. I cannot even bend my fingers. Its my middle and ring fingers on my right hand.

At work they have me on "alternative duties" which sucks. Makes my day seem twice as long as normal and everyone stares at you since your really not doing anything to help out. Well I would gladly trade this gimp hand for a healthy one and get back to work. This is misreable. How long does it take bones to heal I wonder, this is only the second week and already I feel like I'm in prison.

My fingernails on both of those fingers feel as if they could just fall off. They are all flimsy and I can wiggle them back & forth. It was funny, you know how your mom always told you to be sure to wear clean underwear because "you never know, you could get hurt and end up in the hospital", well that night my hands were filthy and my nails were a little longer than normal. This doc is looking at my hands and he cant tell if theres any bruising because of all the dirt. (This comes with the line of work im in). Just funny/embarassing is all.....

Amanda should be back soon, I had better get ready to get to the doctor's office and then head off to work (yay? fun?).

I give up!

I am going to promise myself to stay away from the news for one full week. From John Roberts to Hurricane fun, I just cannot take any more. For one week, I will stay away from any major news sources as much as I can. I think the human psyche needs a break from this kind of thing once in a while anyway. Shits unhealthy, ya know? So, from now until at least Saturday morning, I will be news-less. (or try to be, it wont happen, I know this)
Ok, a little rant this morning.

Television for kids...What has happened to it? I can remember comming home from school and turning on the tv to find after school specials or shows about educational things (like nova or reading rainbow). Nowdays my kids come home and turn on the television to see nothing but hours of fart jokes and distastful humor. Its very disturbing to me honestly. Yes, my children like to play outside, but when they do want to watch tv, they should be given the same amount of innocent viewing I had been allowed when I was a child. <--this is just (wtf)